
Set Free From Crisis Living

I have found that many Believers often live in a crisis mode. They are worried about this thing and that. They are “calling out to God” for everything you can imagine. No sooner do they get past that crisis and are back at it, storming the gates of Heaven or Hell, whichever they figure it


Walking In The FOG

This captain of the guard was the “chief executioner”. So he wasn’t some wimpy bureaucrat. He would be a pretty tough character. There was something on Joseph; it was that blessing of the first-born. The word “blessing” can mean empowerment to prosper. To be empowered means: enabled; authorized. To be blessed is an empowerment to


Set Free From Fear

We are continuing our journey through Psalm 91 and enjoying the promises that this passage discloses concerning our being SET FREE from fearAccording to a survey that I read in a magazine, these are the top ten fears among adults: In ancient times, it was a common mark of complete victory when the vanquished foe